Chomsky vs. Zizek... no, wait a minute: Chomsky + Zizek!
schöne analyse einer verfehlten kommunikation zweier gelehrter (schön antikes wort!) auf verschiedenen ebenen + appell an die linke, nicht kritisches potential dadurch zu verspielen, dass sie einer der beiden perspektiven bis in ihren unproduktiven fluchtpunkt folgt, sondern beide komplementär nützt + praktische anwendung auf den aktuellen überwachungsskandal. schönes paket also...
"And, most importantly, why should we on the left even bother taking sides if doing so means eating our own at a time when our energies could be better directed towards any one of a number of ongoing political developments, perpetual capitalist crises, global surveillance scandals, drone assassination programmes, the war on whistleblowers, and coups, revolutions, and counter-revolutions?"
"What we have here is not an irreconcilable contradiction but a case of different dimensions. In their remarks, Chomsky and Žižek simply do not inhabit the same plane. They are operating from different levels of abstraction, both of which, I claim, are important and necessary for political struggle."
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