una soluzione per le elezioni europee 2014?
la "lista civica per alexis tsipras" puó essere l'alternativa alla socialdemocrazia europea troppo poco resistente alla politica dell'austeritá, ma anche all' antieuropeismo di grillo, berlusconi e lega troppo carente di soluzioni ed alternative per l'europa? (tsipras é il leader della sinistra greca e candidato al presidenza della commissione europea per la sinistra europea.)
poco piú del 50% degli italiani al momento sono intenzionati ad andare a votare alle europee. il resto, m'immagino, preferisce l'arte della lamentela.
poco piú del 50% degli italiani al momento sono intenzionati ad andare a votare alle europee. il resto, m'immagino, preferisce l'arte della lamentela.
ist's wert anzuschauen: warum der PD und die europäischen sozialdemokraten für das europäische parlament wohl zu wenig sind. die frühere la-stampa-journalistin barbara spinelli unterstützt eine liste für den griechischen spitzenkandidaten für die komission alexis tsipras.
für europa, gegen die aktuelle sparpolitik in europa.
the right to make a mistake...
from the article linked above, by Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund:
"The Obama administration would like to negotiate separate free-trade
agreements with some Pacific trading partners and with the European
Union. The prospects of sufficient support on Capitol Hill for the
Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership are being weakened by European demands to include financial
regulation in its partnership."
seit einem halben jahr stehen die
verhandlungen zwischen eu und usa über ein freihandelsabkommen massiv in der kritik. die eu-kommission hat nun aufgehört, kritik und mobilisierung gegen die TTIP-verhandlungen zu ignorieren und beginnt zu bremsen - ein gutes zeichen.
ich bin währenddessen noch dabei herauszufinden, ob ein vollständiges scheitern der verhandlungen einem erfolg nicht sogar vorzuziehen wäre. ich glaube mehr und mehr,
dass jede handelsliberalisierung, die nicht einer größtmöglichen
öffentlichen beobachtung und ständigen diskussion unterliegt, für die involvierten demokratischen staaten nichts anderes
bedeutet als einen weiteren verlust an souveränität und selbstbestimung. es ist offensichtlich, dass ebendiese transparenz, welche nötig wäre, um die dimensionen der liberalisierung nach den wünschen der bevölkerung abzustecken, in den aktuellen verhandlungen fehlt.
der freie markt und selbst die zunahme unseres wohlstandes, die dieser (mit allzu großer leichtfertigkeit) in aussicht stellt, ersetzen im grunde die bewusste politische steuerung ökonomischer prozesse und ihrer gesellschaftlichen folgen. wie aber soll die blinde arbeit von marktmechanismen einen solchen verlust jemals kompensieren können? wie kann diese jemals das recht der bevölkerung darauf ersetzen, selbst zu entscheiden, in welcher gesellschaft sie leben will und welche werte ihre wirtschaft prägen sollen?
das recht darauf zu entscheiden, sogar das recht fehler zu machen (die 'der markt' vielleicht nicht machen würde) und die verantwortung dafür zu übernehmen sind kernbestand einer demokratie. ebenso das recht zu definieren, was als fehlentwicklung zu gelten hat. das ist es, was demokratische reife ausmacht - im gegenatz dazu sind die versprechungen der liberalisierung nichts als bunt verpackte süßigkeiten für kleine kinder.
...i'm actually still trying to find out, if a failure of the negotiations wouldn't actually be preferable to them being successfull. i'm more and more coming to believe that any politics of liberalization that are not exposed to a maximum of public scrutiny, and these negotiations surely AREN'T, just mean a further loss of souvereignity for the democracies involved.
free market mechanisms, and even the gain in terms of wealth that they casually promise, can't ever compensate the loss of the possibilities to consciously and democratically shape economic developments and the consequences for society that inevitably go with them. they can't ever replace the people's right to decide on which society they want to be living in and what values they want to promote.
the right to decide, even the right to make a mistake (the market maybe wouldn't make), and to take the responsibility for it are at the heart of democracy. the right to define by ourselves, what can be considered a mistake. this is what i'd call democratic maturity - in opposition to the market's promise, or the promise of those who speak on it's behalf, of some more candy for the chillen.
historische infos:
die architektur des welthandels seit den 80ern,
bundeszentrale für politische bildung, deutschland.
i meant to make a metaphor for radicals...
...taking off my clothes at the lido
all i got is my decadent credo
--------- young fathers, get up (2013)
i guess, this is what it might sound like when a bucket full of reality from the outside world breaks up your biedermeyer party. the world's rebars running through your dance moves...
hoping to learn...
nosizwe. half norvegian-south african .
shakin' those fjords .
shakin' those fjords .
how language obscures...
des einen nachteil ist eines anderen vorteil, nicht?
nur: manchmal bevorzugen wir es nur über ersteres zu reden.
one's disadvantage is another's advantage, right?
but in certain cases we prefer to talk only about the former.
we? who we?
consider this quote from a standard text book:
"...in addition to working in hostile evironments, women have consistently been paid less then their male peers, earning about 81 cents to every dollar of a man's wage."
"...in addition to working in evironments hostile to women, men have consistently been paid more then their female peers, earning about 1,23 dollars to every dollar of a woman's wage."
"By switching the referent, this change in language shifts the center of
the discussion from women’s disadvantage to men’s advantage. Of course,
there is both unfair disadvantage and advantage in this story, and we need to make both visible, but always
talking in terms of the former makes women and their disadvantage the
problem and hides the way that we need to be addressing men’s unfair
advantage as well."
taken from
Ain’t it good to know there’s a fiery place below...
a comment on american bizarreries, from trying to saving oneself through war to virgin hypes...
you can give the van allen belt a little can of fuel to help them to shine on
Farewell thought Gone to pot More and more More and more
We’ve made a sandwich of things So this brings civil war
I hate to say it But today it isn’t gonna be fine
Yes, you have bullets that will Change our fucking water to wine
You’ll reward the meek With a knife in the cheek
You’ll reward the meek With a knife in the cheek
And every way that you look is down…
I thought that we could make Like reasonable peas in a pod
I thought that we could make Like reasonable peas in a pod
But then you think that there’s Only room in the world for one god
So you keep sex out of Your precious little princess’ class
So you keep sex out of Your precious little princess’ class
Then virgins everywhere Are ending up with cocks in their ass
Ain’t it good to know There’s a fiery place below
Ain’t it good to know There’s a fiery place below
The only way that you look is down…
you're looking at yourself a lot...
sometimes you just have to go out.
but once you've done it,
it's quite a task to put all your pieces back together...
nice blouse, by the way...
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