
she pulls your eyes out with a face like a magnet...

watching the detectives. costello's finest, würd ich sagen. schnaubend, stampfend wie eine dampflok im maßanzug. schweißperlen folgen ruckartig dem diktat der schwerkraft, die falten eines selbstsicheren lächelns nachzeichnend. eine lässige handbewegung kippt in ein nervöses zittern, um sich gleich darauf wieder zu fangen. aufgerissene augen, angestrengter blick. und wieder dieses lächeln.
ein zappeliger, junger mann im engen nadelstreifenanzug verfolgt gebannt das stakkato der ereignisse, die seine fiebrige fantasie hervorbringt. in pathetischen gesten beschwört er die abgründe der figuren an seinen fäden. costello balanciert gekonnt. den dampfkessel unter seinen lackschuhen. er wird nicht fallen. he never does.

elvis costello - watching the detectives (live 1983)

das ungetüm von text ist widerspenstig aber charmant. etwas für alle, die schon in der schule gerne gedichte interpretiert haben oder sich vielleicht aufgrund irgendeiner seltenen neurologischen pathologie grundsätzlich gerne den kopf zermartern.

wir sind jedenfalls nicht die einzigen.
eine kostprobe gefällig?

'A few people here have completely missed the content. That's OK, it means the song is well written. This is a song about sexual frustration in the blues/rock tradition with film noir (actually just a cop show, it's the music that sounds film noir) as the metaphor.
The very opening of the song:
"Nice girls, not one with a defect
Cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct"
Describes looking at a magazine and beoming aroused. The girls are perfect, the magazine comes shrink-wrapped. He's a red dog but she's distracted.
3rd verse is a mind-racing orgasm sequence blending his thoughts with the television.
At first it's his orgasm but she's eventually glad she stayed....
It's a brilliant look into stream-of-conciousness of an otherwise inane event: sex with the TV on.'


'angry wife kills cheating hubby's young (underage?) mistress. frames hubby for the murder. the cops interrogate him till he bleeds (heh-heh) and the wife is the only one who knows where the body is. He cries and cries, because he has no idea, but she thinks it's just desserts.
the detectives coming to check if this victim's description matches another missing persons case, the parents' lost little girl.

the wife is watching all of this, and is lauging to herself, because its just like the detective shows on TV, where she learned how not to get caught. It only took her little fingers to put her cheating husband out of her life forever, and get the ultimate revenge. Probably a divorce and all his stuff.

So..wot ya think?'


'I think this song is about how some girls find violence sexy...'

oder lieber eine interpretation in bildern zur albumversion von 1977?

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