manchmal ist es fast ein hauch von glück, den peter gabriel hier klavier und gitarre über die dumpfeste zerstörung legen lässt. über die schleichende verwüstung der gefühle, welche angst anzurichten vermag.
die beichte einer gemarterten seele in liedform. ihre peinigerin leicht und unscheinbar wie ein herbstduft. ringsum unbeeindruckt wiesen und felder, in die abendsonne getaucht. eine traurige miniatur. bezaubernd.
peter gabriel - mother of violence (1978)
ha un profumo sottile la paura. come polverizzato dal sole dolce della sera quando pervade un'anima e le turba i sensi. la natura intorno che rimane indifferente. un ritratto sconvolgentemente soave.
walking the street with her naked feet
so full of rhythm but I can't find the beat
snapping her heels clicking her toes
everybody knows just where she goes
fear, fear - she's the mother of violence
making me tense to watch the way she breed
fear, she's the mother of violence
you know self-defense is all you need
it's getting hard to breathe
it's getting so hard to believe
to believe in anything at all
mouth all dry eyes blood shot
data stored in microdot
kicking the cloud with my moccasin shoes
tv dinner, tv news
fear, fear -- she's the mother of violence
don't make any sense to watch the way she breed
fear, she's the mother of violence
making me tense to watch the way she feed
the only way you know she's there
Is the subtle flavour in the air
getting hard to breathe
hard to believe in anything at all
but fear
pictures: kenji toma
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